Media Language Analysis

 Tuesday 4th October 2022

LO: To analyse a media text using Media Language

They have chosen to use a medium long shot for this poster so that you can see his hands as he is wearing gloves and has a gun which shows some connotations. They have used this shot so that you can see his facial expression clearly whereas with a long shot it wouldn't be as noticeable.
His clothing connotes that he is on a mission as he looks as if he is going to do something serious which is also shown by his facial expression. He is wearing gloves showing he doesn't want to be found out by anyone. He might not want his fingerprints on anything showing he is a very secretive character.
He is holding a gun and some connotations of a gun are death, murder and danger suggesting that this film could be an action film.
The background is gold suggesting wealth and high status and it has his agent number at the top which connotes he is an important character.
Diegetic Sounds:

The car tyres screeching: They kept them in to show the impact of the car chase at the beginning and how fast the car was going.

Gun shots: The gun shots connote there are fights and battles and the extremity of the fights.

Explosions: The explosions show how loud it was.

It uses fade to black to show change of time throughout the trailer. The scenes at the end of the trailer got really fast as it makes it more dramatic and they put some of the main parts of the film at the end but not enough to show the plot of the film so it makes people want to watch it.

Tuesday 11th October 2022

LO: To analyse a media text using Media Language

In the Tenet trailer they have used gunshots and explosions to show the fight scenes and the dramatic scenes.

Dune Trailer:


  • Lots of close ups to show the characters feelings and emotions
  • They have used a long shot to show the setting the characters were in
  • They have used a low angle shot 
  • They have used a medium long shot to show the props the actors have

  • Eerie music at the beginning to show mystery 
  • More shocking music in the shocking parts to show the dramatics of the movie
  • Lyrics to the song in some parts that matches with the movie
  • No music during question to show suspense
  • Calm music when we see less scenes with action

  • A carved stone is shown in one of the scenes
  • They are wearing armour showing perhaps they are going to fight
  • There are spaceships and explosions
  • The text/font at the end shows this could be a science fiction film
In the Dune trailer, camerawork is used effectively to show the setting. Throughout the trailer the director has used close ups to express the characters feelings and emotions. This helps the audience to empathise with the characters and begin to see the characters backstory. They have also used a wide shot to show what is happening in the background and also to show the characters posture and how that can show the characters emotions. 

In the Dune trailer, soundtrack is used effectively to show suspense. For example, in the questioning scene there is no music but just dialogue to add to the suspense of the scene and also so the characters reaction to what has just happened is clear. They have also used fast and shocking music for the dramatic scenes which can connote extreme and dangerous things happening in the scene. 

Thursday 13th October 2022

Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire

Camerawork: A wide angle shot is used in the yule ball scene to show the setting of the scene. This angle has also been used to show the size of the room by showing a massive tree and just how many people are at the ball. It also showcases the decoration used in the room.

Mise-en-scene: In this scene the fire connotes that there is danger as it is spreading quickly around. There are people running away from the fire which shows that they don't want to get stuck in the situation. The characters are wearing dark clothes so that the bright orange of the fire really stands out and is the main focus of the scene.

Soundtrack: They have used dramatic music during the triwizard tornament to show the danger and also when showing the main scenes in the film to show the meaning of them. This can help the audience to feel the tension and the drama in the scene.

Editing: They have used CGI to create the dragon in the first task of the triwizard tornament. They have done this so they can make the dragon seem realistic and fly around. This shows that this film is a fantasy as they are using mythical creatures such as dragons and mermaids.


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