Film Genres
Tuesday 6th December 2022 LO: To explore the concept of film genre. Do now: Film Genres Horror Sci-fi Fantasy Comedy Christmas Action Adventure Romance Musicals Thriller Drama Documentaries Animation Crime Dystopia Period Drama Rom Com Genre - A style, especially in the arts, that involves a particular set of characteristics. Hybrid - A mixture of 2 or more genres. Sub-genres - Categories that genres can be divided into. Fantasy: Frozen The Wizard of Oz Beauty and the Beast The Little Mermaid Cinderella Harry Potter Tangled Fox and the Hound Snow White Princess and the Frog Lady and the Tramp Lion King Aladdin Moana Alice in Wonderland The Jungle Book Animation Romance Musical Fantasy Research Conventions: Magic Myth Good vs Evil Tradition vs Change Love They use a colour palette of blue, purple and white Directors: Tim Burton directed Alice in Wonderland Peter Jackson directed The Hobbit Ridley Scott directed...